Acupuncture is a treatment option applied with small metal needles. It is a real treatment method that is often not thought of, but makes many things possible without drugs. The World Health Organization (WHO) has accepted acupuncture as a treatment method and has published a number of indications. Some of those;
- Back and waist pain
- Neck pain
- Knee pain (gonarthrosis: knee osteoarthritis)
- Facial (trigeminal neuralgia) pain
- Dental (tooth) pain
- Rheumatoidarthritis
- Post-operative pain
- Labor induction (easy delivery)
- Correction of the baby's position in the womb (malposition)
- Paralysis (within the first 3-6 months)
- High blood pressure (essential hypertension)
- Renal colic (kidney stone pain)
- Leukopenia (in case of decreased leukocytes)
- Treatment of radiation and chemotherapy side effects
- Allergic rhinitis (allergic rhinitis)
- Biliary colic (gallstone pain)
- Depression
- Peptic ulcer (stomach and duodenal ulcer)
- Acute and chronic gastritis
- Abdominal pains
- Peripheral facial paralysis
- Bronchial asthma
- Cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder)
- Cholelithiasis (Gallbladder stone)
- Stress
- Diabetes mellitus (insulin-independent: type 2)
- Lack of milk
- Obesty
- Osteoarthritis (bone calcifications)
- Chronic prostatitis
- Unexplained itching
- Recurrent lower urinary tract infections
- Urinary retention (staying inside)